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Parent Night: Kids & Technology

Parent Information Night: Kids & Technology; Hosted by Bay Presbyterian Preschool.

Parents of preschool and elementary age children are invited to join us on Monday, September 23 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm in the Sanctuary to learn how screen time is impacting child development. Presented by Julie Fenton (a pediatric speech-language pathologist at Cleveland Clinic Therapy Services for nearly 20 years). 

Topics covered include the impact on children's brains and bodies, play, parenting, education, social media, predators/pornography and more. You will walk away with practical resources to feel more equipped to manage screen time in your own home.

Time for questions will be embedded throughout the presentation as well as a Q & A at the end. 

Bio: Julie Fenton has been a pediatric speech language pathologist at Cleveland Clinic Therapy Services for nearly 20 years.  Since 2018, she has researched the impacts of technology on child development and has given dozens of presentations on the topic. She has a passion for helping families understand the risks of screen time so they can feel equipped to manage technology usage for their own families in good and healthy ways. She and her husband have three children, ages 9, 11, and 14 — which means they are also navigating the balance of technology on a daily basis in their own home!

Questions? Contact Julie Hazlett, Director of Weekday Preschool

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September 26

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