Adults at BPC
Find connection & grow in your faith through discipleship
Women’s Ministry
Deepen your faith, grow your friendships.
Women’s Ministry reconvenes in January with a line up of Tuesday morning and evening studies that will deepen your faith and equip you to build margin in your life for what really matters. Learn more and pick a study on our winter landing page.
MomCo (previously known as MOPS) is currently in session. MomCo is short for The Mom Community, and it’s an organization that partners with local churches to equip moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers and women while encouraging them with the hope of Jesus.
Questions? Contact Melissa Estridge
BPC, as well as other area venues, host Seeking Stillness Retreats which provide opportunities for personal reflection, scripture reading, prayer, time with the Lord and rest. Please go to seekingstillness.org to check out their latest events and retreats.
Men’s Ministry
Build friendships, find encouragement, serve God & others.
We have a handful of ongoing, weekly men’s community groups where you can participate in Bible study, fellowship, and service.
Tuesday morning at Panera in Westlake, 7:00am John Faile
Tuesday evening (every other week), Rick Chelko
Wednesday morning 7:00 - 8:00am Allen Porter
Wednesday morning at Joe’s Deli, 7:00 – 8:00am Breeze Brezovar
Wednesday morning - at BPC in room W213, 7:30 - 8:30am Scott Hazlett
Thursday morning at Bob Evans in Avon, 7:00 – 8:00am Jim Kilgore
Friday morning at LaCentre in Westlake, 7:30-8:30am Fred & Lee Koury Men’s Fellowship
Saturday morning at BPC, 8:00 – 9:00am Scott Hazlett
We serve others, sacrificially investing ourselves to bless others.
We have teamed up with the city of Bay Village to help make a connection between volunteers and families who could use a little help around the house. It’s called the Good Neighbor Program. Get in touch with Scott Hazlett for more information.
Community Groups
We’re designed for relationships. It’s how we grow, and it’s how we find the fulfilling abundant life Jesus came to bring.
Anyone can join a community group. Groups meet regularly and spend time together studying the Bible, sharing time together over coffee or a meal. Some groups include children, others do not.
We’ll help you find a group to join.
Contact Melissa Estridge to get started.
Called to start a community group?
Invite people to join your group and commit to pursuing Christ and His ways together. We’ll train you and guide you along the way.
Contact Melissa Estridge to start the process.
Cultivate friendships as you near retirement, and beyond.
Legacy is a vibrant senior ministry at Bay Presbyterian serving those who are at or near retirement age. Our mission is to create fellowship, cultivate connection and embrace service opportunities that bring the love and light of Christ to all.
If you have questions, or would like to get involved, please contact Jenny LaRiccia, Director of Congregational and Staff Care
Typically, we meet together once a month for a themed event. Learn more about our next event.
As part of our community, we’re giving you free access to RightNow Media, the world's largest library of on-demand Christian videos for your whole family. We’re using this resource in our Community Groups, but you can use it any time. Log into your account, or get set up today: