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Register now for Summit #2

Registration for Summit #2 is now closed.

Please register for a Pulse Group instead.

Summit #1 was a success

In the feedback from the first summit people are saying that it was refreshing and cathartic and several people have noted that it “feels like the fastest five hours.” 

Feedback like this only comes when participants are energized by the process, and sense that the Lord is leading us forward. So we want to thank you for showing up and making Summit #1 a success! 

One of the outcomes of Summit #1 was the Journey Wall which helps us visualize all of the key moments in the life of our church. We’re encouraging people to take some time to explore that wall in our Connector Hall, and to pray for our church. We're also sharing the Summit #1 Summary Document so that everyone has a copy ahead of our next summit.

Help us build on the momentum in Summit #2

In Summit #2, we’ll be building on the momentum from the Journey Wall to begin to answer the question, “Where are we going?” We’ll work together to discern our church values, as well as who God wants us to reach. Summit #2 is going to help us discern our future, and no matter what your age, we need you to be a part of that conversation. 

Like the first summit, you should expect Summit #2 to be highly interactive, collaborating and workshopping together at tables. We’re not gathering for a lecture or a lesson, we’re gathering to hear God speak through the process of working together. 

Plan to participate

We want everyone to participate. If you’re married, we’d like at least one of you to attend. If you’re a high-school or college age student, we know you’re the future of our church and we want you to be at the table for this as well. Registration is now closed. Register for a Pulse Group instead.

Missed Summit 1? Don’t worry, you still have something to offer in Summit 2, and we need your engagement because we need to hear every voice from our congregation in this process of refocusing the church. Please make every effort to participate.

Can’t Attend February 17? You can participate in a post-summit Pulse Group for an update on the summit and a chance to give your feedback. If you’re not able to participate, be sure to sign up for a Summit 2 Pulse Group.

Prayer Guide for Summit #2 Download your copy here.

Questions about the Summits? Send them our way at

February 14

Ash Wednesday

February 21

Summit #2 Pulse Groups