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Second Grade Bible Milestone

The 2nd Grade Bible Milestone is a special class where parents come together with their child to celebrate receiving the most precious gift of all: their very own Bible.

This Milestone will take place on April 6 during at either the 9:00am or 11:00am service hour, and will be in place of your child’s regularly scheduled second grade class (all other siblings can attend Sunday School as normal).

Together, parent and child will explore God's Word and learn how to navigate the Adventure Bible together. We will celebrate this exciting age where your child is now able to read the Word of God themselves.

We will begin our time together by joining the church body in the Sanctuary where you and your child will be recognized and celebrated.

Questions? Contact Erin Ritchie (440.871.3822 x107)

April 5

Women's Brunch

April 6

Uganda Update