Grow deeper this fall with a morning or evening study on Tuesdays beginning September 17. Browse the course descriptions below and register today!

Acts: The Gospel on the Ground | Cynthia Gecik-Zapor & Julie Heber | E200 at 9:15am

God’s kingdom is always on the move and always looking outward to bring meaning and joy to a world searching for fulfillment and hope. See how God’s Word can sustain us even in the most difficult of times and embrace the transformative grace we experience as children of God in His kingdom of celebration. This study includes a weekly video and homework.

Order your book The Gospel on the Ground by Kristi McLelland before class begins.

Becoming a Disciple | Robyn Tenerowicz | Auburn Hall at 9:15am

What does it mean for us to truly be disciples of Jesus Christ today? Following Jesus turns our lives upside down as we become personally and passionately devoted to Jesus Christ. We’ll examine the lives of Jesus’ disciples to see how we can go from believing Christ is nice, to the heart change of Jesus meaning everything to us. You’ll only need your Bible!

The Front Porch: Where women become friends & talk about Jesus | Michelle Guinter, Stacy Windahl, Julie Hazlett, Madeline Nieder | Auburn Hall at 7:00pm

Faith habits aren’t just one more thing on your to-do list; they’re the practices that help you create more margin in your life. Walk closer with Jesus and learn approachable ways to participate in disciplines like prayer, study, worship, rest, simplicity, and many more in this evening class meeting every other Tuesday.

Order your book Encountering God by Kelly Minter before class begins.

His Story: The Biblical Worldview | Diana Malloy, Libby Peterson, Robyn Tenerowicz | Fallout at 7:00pm

Who am I? What is my purpose? What is wrong with the world? What’s the solution? What happens after I die?

Join us for a class that will answer those questions from God’s perspective by connecting the stories of the Bible into a coherent whole; giving you the Biblical lens through which to see and understand the world, your life, and your circumstances.

Scholarships are available for childcare & book costs.

Contact Elizabeth Ritchie for more details. 

Come join the women of BPC as we learn what it means to “catch fire” for Jesus!  All fires need a spark, oxygen, and kindling. Join us as we explore how this can shape our lives and deepen our relationships with Jesus. The retreat will include lunch and dinner on Saturday as well as breakfast on Sunday. 

Bellwether Farm will again be the backdrop to this unique opportunity to push away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and venture into deeper waters.  We'd love for you to join us on this adventure! 

Bedding and towels are provided and each room (double occupancy) has its own bathroom, climate control, and WiFi. Meals are farm-to-table.

Space is limited to 75. Cost is $180. Scholarships are available.